Puppet Dream Meaning
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Puppet Dream Meaning : What Does It Mean ?
The person who sees this dream is indicated to be the victim of their good intentions, their understanding, smile, and humility being taken advantage of by others, partly due to their inability to distinguish between friend and foe. The dreamer mistakenly sees everyone as sincere, truthful, and without ulterior motives, and as a result, they suffer harm.
This dream signifies that the dreamer is being manipulated by some people. It indicates that the dreamer is being influenced by opportunistic and malicious individuals, being led to act according to their desires, and unless they learn to say no, they will continue to experience this.
Being a Puppet Dream About
It indicates that the dreamer is unable to act according to their own will and decisions, being attempted to be controlled by their surroundings, being directed by others, being influenced, and those who seek to take advantage of their situation succeed in benefiting from them.
Playing With a Puppet Dream About
It is a sign of good and indicates that the dreamer will achieve a goal they have long desired through their own efforts, accumulations, and steps, and they will enjoy the full pleasure of this victory achieved solely by themselves.
Making a Puppet Dream Meaning
It is interpreted as the dreamer having a dominant character, thus ruling over their entire life, not compromising on this, and striving to impose and enforce their own views and practices on their family and close circle.
Wooden Puppet Dream Meaning
It signifies the presence of opportunistic individuals in the dreamer’s surroundings. If the dreamer compromises with these people, they will lose everything to them, be unable to free themselves from their grip, sink deeper every day, and feel increasingly used.